Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Easter Day Tragedy
A Christian Syrian shared how his father was arrested and killed by the Assad regime on Easter Day. This tragedy highlights the regime’s brutal oppression against its own people. Paskalya Günü AcısıHristiyan bir Suriyeli, babasının Esed rejimi tarafından Paskalya günü tutuklanıp öldürüldüğünü anlattı. Bu trajedi, rejimin halkına yönelik acımasız baskısını bir kez daha gözler önüne…
Abdulbasit: Voice of Revolution
Since the early days of the revolution, Abdulbasit has been one of the prominent voices of civilian protests. Through his songs and slogans, he became a symbol of the revolution’s unforgettable pages. When the brutal regime responded to civilians with weapons, Abdulbasit stood alongside the armed revolutionaries. Devrimin Sesi AbdulbasitAbdulbasit, devrimin başlarından beri, sivil protestoların…
A Surprising Letter
On the walls of a prison cell, Dr. Faten Ramazan discovered a letter from her father, written years ago. This emotional moment sheds light on the enduring traces of those who resisted the regime’s oppression. Hücredeki Şaşırtan MektupHücrenin duvarlarında, Dr. Faten Ramazan’ın babasından yıllar sonra onu şaşırtan bir mektup bulundu. Bu duygu dolu an, rejimin…
Colonel’s Tragedy and Gratitude
Colonel Muhsin El Abit, who opposed Assad and left the army, lost his son and 8 relatives in Sednaya. Preparing to return to his homeland after the regime’s fall, the Colonel is grateful to Turkey for welcoming Syrians like him:📌 “I sincerely thank President Erdoğan and the Turkish nation.” Albayın Dramı ve MinnetiEsed’e karşı çıkıp…
Assad’s Luxury Cars!
Assad’s luxury car collection, valued at nearly $1 billion, was put on display. This sparked outrage as the Syrian people struggle with hunger and poverty. Esad’ın Lüks Araçları!Esad’ın yaklaşık bir milyar dolar değerindeki lüks otomobil koleksiyonu sergilendi. Bu durum, halkın açlık ve sefaletle mücadele ettiği bir dönemde tepki topladı. سيارات الأسد الفاخرة!تم عرض مجموعة سيارات…
Truth About Syria Revealed!
On Rûdaw TV’s special program “There’s More to It,” the realities of Syria and the Assad regime were exposed:🔴 How did the regime collapse so easily?🔴 The last Prime Minister of the Assad regime revealed its final 24 hours.🔴 Statements from military officers shocked the audience: Suriye Gerçekleri Ortaya Çıktı!Rûdaw TV’de yayınlanan “Dahası da Var”…
Not a Movie!
Syrian Mahmud was set to be executed on December 8, but at 2:00 AM, it wasn’t regime soldiers who opened the prison doors—it was the Mujahideen. After 7 years of being thought dead, he was reunited with his children today. Alhamdulillah. Film Değil Gerçek!Suriye’li Mahmud, 8 Aralık günü idam edilecekti ancak gece 02:00’de hapishanenin kapılarını…
Learn who Afiya Siddiqui is!
Our brothers and sisters are still being tortured in various prisons.Activist Tauqir Sharif spoke to all Muslims from Sednaya Prison, calling for pressure to be applied for the release of Dr. Afiya Siddiqui, who is imprisoned in the United States. Let’s take action together to raise awareness about the ongoing injustices and stand for the…
Sednaya Prison: The Darkest Face of Syria
Sednaya Prison is one of the most infamous and darkest prisons in Syria. It became a symbol of the brutal oppression by Bashar al-Assad’s regime. After the outbreak of the revolution on December 8, 2011, Sednaya was marked by human rights violations, torture, and extrajudicial killings. Thousands of detainees lost their lives or endured severe…
The Assad Regime in Syria and Human Rights Violations
Since 2011, Syria has faced a devastating humanitarian crisis triggered by peaceful protests that escalated into a brutal civil war. The Assad regime has been accused of war crimes, including chemical attacks, forced displacements, torture, and widespread human rights violations.Despite ongoing atrocities in regime-controlled areas, international efforts to address the crisis remain insufficient. Countries like…
Honoring the Martyrs of Sednaya